Tuesday, November 11, 2008

CRM di Unilever

CRM (customer relationship management) is an information industry term for methodologies, software, and usually Internet capabilities that help an enterprise manage customer relationships in an organized way or to handle its contact with its customers.

Unilever went live with mySAP CRM on January 2, 2002, following a three-month implementation period.

mySAP CRM enabled faster response time to queries and needs raised by consumers, provided for effective maintenance of our customer database, gave the company easy access to customer information for analysis and strategy development, and significantly enhances our agents' ability to respond to customer inquiries fast, accurately, and completely

The Impact is mySAP CRM increased the company's call center capability immediately to 5,000 calls per month.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Executive Information System in CBIS

There is a growing need for timely information needed by senior managers for issues about critical aspects of an organization. Because of that Executive Information System has been created in purpose:
  • To monitor the decision environment
  • To evaluate the captured information for opportunities and/or problems
  • Present timely analysis to top-level managers
Executive Information System can be defined as a computerized system that provides executives with easy access to internal and external information that is relevant to their critical success factors
In Computer Based Information System, The most support that belongs to Executive Information System is The individual Support and Information support.

    Tuesday, October 14, 2008

    Barcoding "budztools" from Budz.Inc

    Barcode pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh dua orang mahasiswa Drexel Institute of Technology Bernard Silver dan Norman Joseph Woodland di tahun 1948. Barcode adalah informasi terbacakan mesin (machine readable) dalam format visual yang tercetak. Umumnya barcode berbentuk garis-garis vertikal tipis tebal yang terpisah oleh jarak tertentu. Ada beberapa macam Uniform Product Code version dari barcode itu sendiri, seperti:
    • UPC A, is a widely used style of bar code in retail stores for sales checkout
    • UPC E, is a compressed UPC A also called Zero Suppressed. Used on small items like cans of soda, cigarettes, and candy
    • EAN (European Article Numbering) encodes 13 characters and is used throughout the world (except for USA and Canada) to mark physical goods in retail shop
    Contoh Barcode dari Product Hammer Budztools (171288123450) produksi Budz.Inc:
    Angka 1 disebelah kiri menunjukkan Number System Character dari Barcode tersebut yaitu reserved characteristic.
    Angka 71288 menunjukkan kode perusahaan yang membuat produk tersebut ( budztools) yaitu Budzcompany.

    Angka 12345 menunjukkan kode dari produk itu sendiri yang membedakannya dengan produk lainnya

    Angka 0 di sebelah kanan ujung dari barcode tersebut menunjukkan digit “self-check” atau check digit yang digunakan untuk menvalidasi digi
    t-digit lainnya yang ada dibarcode tersebut